What to Expect



What is the service like?

At Centennial, we follow the orders of service found in the Lutheran Service Book.  We celebrate the Divine Service every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.., with communion on the Second and Fourth Sundays along with special occasions. We also hold special Wednesday evening services during the seasons of Lent and Advent.

How do people dress?

The dress code ranges from casual to Sunday best.

How many people are there?

Attendance varies between times of the year, but on average Centennial has about 90-100 people in worship every weekend, and we often have visitors. 


What about my kids?

Children of all ages are welcomed at every service.   There are Bible centered activity bags available during service.  Sunday school for children preschool to high school meet at 9:30 am from September to May.  Children are encouraged to sit with parents during worship.


Can I take communion?

Visitors to our congregation who desire to receive the Sacrament are asked to please speak with the Pastor or an Elder before service. The Pastor and an Elder are at the door to greet people as they come in each Sunday morning, please stop and speak with one of them prior to services.

How can I get connected?

Before leaving, visitors are encouraged to sign our Guest register located at the front entrance, and Centennial's Attendance Pad, located in each pew. Those interested in learning more about Centennial Lutheran can indicate that on the form. Members stay connected with the happenings at Centennial through weekly bulletin notices, weekly announcements, our Facebook page and church website:  centenniallutheransuperior.com

What's the music like?

Accompanied by our talented organists, we sing an opening hymn, a sermon hymn and a closing hymn from the Lutheran Service Book.  We sing additional hymns during the distribution of Holy Communion. 

Where do I park?

Parking is along the street on both Dakota Street and Ninth Street as well as behind the church.
